Saturday, March 23, 2013

Data Tracking Binder

    I jumped on the Data Tracking Binder bandwagon at the start of the school year and it has been the best ride ever!  I cannot stress the importance of having students keep track of their own learning.  I really feel students can track their learning at any age as long as you teach them how to do it

    The first week of school, I gave each of my students a Data Tracking Binder.  I had all of the tracking graphs already hole punched and placed inside.  For younger students, you might copy each graph on different colors of paper to make it easier for them to identify.  I took my time explaining and modeling each graph.  Depending on the grade you teach, you might introduce two graphs  a week.  However, you certainly know what your students can handle.  I would model how to write in the date, my score and color in a bar if applicable.  After a few times of modeling, my students became pros!

    To add to the fun, I made circle labels (using Avery labels #22817).  I created labels to indicate improvements with their Scholastic Reading Inventory (Lexile) Score, Monthly Reading Counts Goal, Math Facts, and DIBELS scores.  After any of these assessments, I would take five minutes to reward any student that earned a circle sticker.  Students decorate their Data Binder with the circle stickers.  Who knew such a small token would be such a BIG deal?!?!  My students take pride in celebrating the accomplishments of each other and showing off their own growth.


 I found the Data Tracking Binder to be so useful when conferencing with parents.  They were able to see their child's growth.  Also, it holds students accountable for their learning. 

     I have an awesome collection of Data Tracking Graphs at my Teachers Pay Teachers Store.  For many of the graphs, I created different levels of the same graph to accomodate various grade levels. Be sure to check them out. 

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