Thursday, July 4, 2013

Curious George is Curious About Our Community

     Did you notice Kohl's has Curious George stuffed animals for sale as part of their Kids Caring and Sharing Program?  Need a fun way to incorporate this curious fellow into your classroom?  Well here you go!  Several years ago, I came across a teacher that used Curious George as a means to get her students curious about their community. I thought this was such a great way for students to highlight various places in our community.  This activity is one of the most popular activities in my class.
   At the beginning of the school year, I send home a letter explaining the project and asking parents if they would like to "host" Curious George for a two-night stay at their house.  Once a date is set, I send home this bag with the student.  I ordered this bag from 31 and had it embroidered with the title "Curious About Our Community." 

Inside the bag, I have the following items: for George a (fake) banana, drinking bowl, two of his favorite Curious George books and for the student a binder (with lined and unlined paper), crayons and pencils. 
Students are asked to take Curious George around the community and write back to the class explaining all of the neat places they visited together.  Can you see where all of the learning is taking place??  Students are actively learning about the community and writing a reflection.  When students bring their bag back to school, they share their writing and any illustrations and/or pictures with the class.  I allow time for the class to ask the student any questions about their community experience with Curious George.  After the student shares, I present him/her with a packet of Curious George gummy snacks!  Yes, they actually make them and I love the connection! :)
      Besides students loving this activity, so do parents!  They email me pictures of George in all kinds of places!  Once I went to watch a few of my students play in their basketball game and it just so happened that one of the students was hosting George for the weekend.  Guess who was also at the basketball game??   Yep....Curious George!  The mom took a picture of the boys, Curious George and me.  It really was hilarious! 
      So head on out to Kohl's and grab your Curious George stuffed animal and get your students excited about their community and writing!!!  :)



  1. This is such a great idea! Thank you!

  2. Great idea! Would you be able to send me a copy of the home letter?
