Summer is here and that
means it is time for me to reflect on the previous school year. I love sitting in silence (HA!) and thinking
about ways I can improve various aspects of my classroom. Are you like that?!!? I bet you are! Otherwise, you would not be spending time
reading blogs finding new ideas for your classroom. :)
So... one area that I really wanted to spice up is writing! In the past, my students had one writing
folder where they just tossed everything in.
Most of the time, I would open up folders and there would be stuff from
months ago! I was appalled! Therefore, I came up with a 6 Traits Writing
Binder. You can download all of the sheets that I have made by clicking on the
front cover picture.
My principal is a huge
supporter of 6 Traits. Last year, she
encouraged our staff to implement a trait a month. She wanted to use a "common
language" among all of our students so that as they move from grade to
grade it all made sense to them. I typed up the phrases for each trait and
mounted it on a piece of scrapbook paper.
I then slid it in the front cover of a 1" binder. This will serve as the cover page. Besides being kid-friendly, I think it will
be a great resource for students to refer back to throughout the school year.
Instead of buying dividers for all 25+ students, I wanted to find
something a bit more meaningful. I came
across quotes from individuals about each trait. I tried locating link where I found it, but I
couldn't locate it! SORRY!!!!!! I copied each of these quotes on colored
paper so it would be easier for my students to locate that trait in their
binder. I also placed each quote in a
protective sleeve (for durability).
Next, I made a few goodies to have for the start of the school
year. First, I made a hook and wrap-up
planning sheet. My students and I will
brainstorm various ways to begin and end our writing. They will keep these pages in their binder
for use throughout the school year. I
did copy both of those sheets on cardstock.
It drives me nuts when papers are ripped and hanging out of
binders. I thought the cardstock would
hold up better. :)
I also tweaked an idea I found on Amanda
Madden's blog. I really like having
students brainstorm other ways to say overused words. I made this sheet so we could complete as a
class. I also created one that is blank
so that it can meet the needs of individual students.
One other item that I am placing in their binders is a set of
mini-labels. Each label shows a
different 6 trait. I am going to use
these during FREE WRITE. Do you find
that your students' free write really has no purpose? I do!
I am going to have my students select one sticker BEFORE writing in
their FREE WRITE journal. They are going
to place it at the top of the entry.
Whatever trait label they select will be what they have to focus on in
their writing. I want my students to be
held accountable during this time. This
will also serve as a great informal assessment since they are writing without
much guidance from me.

I am placing blank pocket sleeves at the back of the binder so students
can keep "special" pieces of writing.
For example, I always read First Day Jitters on the first
day of school. We complete a writing activity
after the book. I keep this piece of
writing until the last week of school.
By placing it in their binder, they will see how much they have grown as
a writer just by looking at that piece of writing in their binder.
This is just the beginning of the writing binder! I am excited!
I like that it is organized, colorful and kid-friendly!